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SEO Analytics
Updated over a week ago

Note: Access to the SEO Analytics feature is exclusively available to DashClicks Pro plan subscribers.

Step-By-Step Guide to Adding SEO Analytics

1. Access Applications Menu:

Hover over the navigation bar to the left of the dashboard and select 'Analytics’.

2. Initiate New Integration:

Click '+ Add New' from the top of the page.

3. Select SEO Integration:

From the list of available integrations, select 'SEO' and then click 'Continue'.

4. Enter Required Information:

Follow the prompts to enter the necessary details for your SEO tracking. This will include your desired keywords as well as the country, state, and city for rankings tracking.

Note: Tooltips are available for each field if you need further clarification.

5. Add More Keywords:

Press the 'Add Keywords' button at the bottom of the page to add additional keywords. Once you've entered all your keywords, click 'Continue'. The integration should now be complete.

Note: Be aware that your SEO data may not appear immediately. As our system collects and processes your SEO data, your metrics will begin to populate within the 'SEO' tab over time.

Understanding Your SEO Analytics Metrics

After successful integration of your SEO account, your Analytics application will display a tab labeled 'SEO'. Let's understand what these metrics mean for your analysis.

1. Average Position Changes

This visualization represents the cumulative changes in your website's rankings within Google's search results for the chosen time frame. Your net position shift will be displayed in bold text underneath the label. It will be accompanied by a downward-facing red arrow for net position loss, or an upward-facing green arrow for net position gain.

For particular dates, you can monitor your comprehensive position by hovering over the corresponding point on the graph, which reveals the specific date and the ranking on that day.

Note: Throughout this section and all subsequent sections, the date range can be modified via the calendar widget located at the top of the page.

When opening up the date selection option, you can select a pre-set range from the left column to instantly adjust your analytics for that period. Alternatively, determine a custom date range by clicking once to set the beginning date and again to set the ending date. Your analytics will then be updated to mirror these changes.

2. Average Position

This metric represents the average ranking for all your keywords for the selected date range.

As mentioned earlier, the tracked date range can be altered using the above calendar widget. Additionally, hovering over the graph reveals the average change for particular dates.

3. First Position

This graph indicates the total count of your first-position keywords amongst all your tracked keywords. The bold text indicates the current quantity of first-position keywords, followed by a downward-facing red arrow or an upward-facing green arrow suggesting a decrease or increase respectively over the period.

Again, the calendar widget allows for adjustments in the tracked date range, and hovering over the graph can reveal the count of first-position keywords on a specified day.

4. Current Positions

This section offers a straightforward breakdown of your keyword rankings, segregated into five (5) categories:

  • Position 1

  • Positions 2-3

  • Positions 4-10

  • Positions 11-30

  • Positions 31-100

The number of keywords fulfilling each category's criteria is displayed on the right.

Reviewing Tracked Keywords

The lower portion of this page is dedicated to your tracked keywords, providing a simple table that lists:

  • The keyword

  • Its position at the start date

  • Its position at the most recent date

  • The net ranking change over time

  • The page featuring the keyword

  • The location targeted for the keyword

As with the above graphs, altering the date range with the calendar widget will revise the information in the table.

Managing Keywords

To modify or add to your tracked keywords, click on the + Add Keywords button on the right side of the page.

A fresh page listing your currently tracked keywords will emerge, along with a space at the top for adding new keywords.

To edit your existing keywords, just modify the field containing the desired keyword. The tracked location can also be adjusted in the field below the keyword.

Once pleased with your edits, hit Continue in the top-right corner of the page.

1. Removing Keywords

To entirely remove a keyword, click on the red trash can icon at the far right of the keyword.

To save your changes, remember to click Continue in the top-right corner of the page.

2. Adding Keywords

From the same menu, new keywords can be added for tracking. Type the desired keyword into the Keyword field, then choose a Location for tracking the keyword.

On completion of this process, click Continue in the top-right corner of the page.

3. Keyword Search

Lastly, you can locate a particular keyword you're tracking using the search bar situated on the right side of the page.

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