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Create a New Deal
Updated over a week ago

Note: Access to the Deals app is exclusively available to DashClicks Pro plan subscribers.

Access Applications Menu

Hover over the navigation bar to the left of the dashboard and select ‘Deals’.

Step-By-Step Guide to Creating a New Deal

This guide walks you through creating a deal using the Deals application, enhancing the efficiency of your sales process.

1. Initiate New Deal Creation:

Start by clicking on the '+ New Deal' button located at the top right of the page. Remember, the new deal will be associated with the active sales pipeline. If required, select the suitable sales pipeline by clicking the adjacent button.

2. Access Create Deals Menu:

A 'Create Deals' menu will emerge on the right side of the screen.

3. Fill in Required Fields:

Key fields required for a deal include 'Deal Name', 'Stage', 'Status', and 'Currency'. The 'Deal Name' can be descriptive of the lead, the business, or any other significant details. The 'Stage' reflects the deal's position in your sales pipeline, usually at the start, but it can vary. The 'Status' can be 'Open' for new deals, 'Won' for closed deals, and 'Lost' for deals not achieved.

4. Determine Deal Value & Currency:

Additionally, you need to enter the 'Deal Value', which is the anticipated worth of the deal. You can then select the 'Currency' type for the deal.

Note: The platform automatically converts foreign currency to your selected currency.

5. Set Expected Close Date:

Next, choose an 'Expected Close Date' for the deal by clicking on the respective field. The date defaults to the current day.

6. Define Contract Type & Length:

Default contract type is 'One-Time', signifying a single transaction. However, for recurring transactions, you can select a 'monthly' or 'annual' contract type and specify the length in the following field.

7. Review & Create Deal:

After filling in all necessary details, review your deal. Once satisfied, click 'Create' at the bottom of the menu to finalize the deal. If needed, you can immediately begin creating another deal by selecting 'Create and Add Another'.

8. Return to My Deals Tab:

Upon completion, navigate back to the 'My Deals' tab. Your new deal should appear in the designated stage of your pipeline.

9. Move the Deal Card:

At any time, you can move the deal card to any stage in your pipeline by clicking and dragging the card. You can also mark deals as 'won' or 'lost', or delete a deal by moving the card to the respective field.

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